本文档内容仍处于实验阶段,内容会随着版本的迭代进行修改。您可随时在我们的工作组的讨论区发送反馈。 此外,本文档还包含了若干需手动配置的步骤,但这不代表新架构稳定版的最终开发体验。我们仍在开发相关的工具、模板和第三方库,帮助你更快地迁移到新架构上,而非从头开始配置环境。
The New Architecture is composed mainly by two pillars:
TurboModules are the preferred way to create libraries that leverage some platform specific API. Fabric Components are the preferred way to create reusable UI components, providing a native experience to the users.
The main goal of this section is to drive the reader through a step-by-step guide to create their first TurboModule or Fabric Component.
The next sections contain an high-level overview of the pillars, together with the steps to create them. To create one of these pillars, the steps are:
- Define a JavaScript specification using Flow or TypeScript.
- Configure the dependencies management system to generate code from the provided spec.
- Implement the Native code.
- Integrate the code in the app.
Finally, we dive a little deeper into the Codegen process that is required to create all the C++ types and files used by our components, including some useful steps to work comfortably while developing the component.
To integrate a TurboModule or a Fabric Component in an app, the app has to run with the New Architecture enabled.
To create a new app adopting the New Architecture, refer to the Using the App Template section. To migrate an existing app to the New Architecture, refer to the Migration guide.